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Finding relief from IC/BPS symptoms during pregnancy

Client L came to our nutritionists after over a year of persistent symptoms. Through targeted testing, personalized dietary changes and supplements recommended by the naturopath on her team, she experienced complete symptom relief and regained control of her health, all while navigating pregnancy.

Person experiencing IC/BPS symptoms

Client Info


  • Gut health
  • Hormones
  • Stress


  • 1-1 consultations
  • Multidisciplinary evaluation
  • Baseline symptoms tracker


  • Health assessment
  • Symptoms management plan
  • Adaptation guidance


  • Nutrition adjustment
  • Supplementation
  • Stress and lifestyle management


L struggled with persistent IC/BPS symptoms for over a year, initially believing they were due to a UTI. When antibiotics didn't work, her symptoms escalated - frequency, urgency and pain became daily challenges. Urology suggested overactive bladder, but treatments brought little improvement. By early 2023, her symptoms were at their worst. L suspected gut issues and hormonal imbalances played a role, especially after years of birth control and a miscarriage in 2021. Despite efforts to manage her symptoms with dietary changes, supplements and stress management, her progress was slow. She noticed a strong connection between flare-ups and her diet but struggled to identify specific triggers. Pregnancy added new layers of complexity, with urethral burning and bloating becoming more frequent.

The solution

When L began working with our nutritionist, she had just discovered she was pregnant. This required a cautious, safe approach. Functional stool testing revealed imbalances in gut bacteria and undigested food. L was started on B6, zinc, digestive enzymes, probiotics and slippery elm to support gut healing safely. Gluten and dairy were eliminated from her diet and she was guided to increase plant-based fiber, aiming for 30 unique varieties each week. Practical strategies like chewing food thoroughly and focusing on stress management techniques were introduced. The plan emphasized small manageable steps to address her gut and hormonal health without overwhelming her body during pregnancy.


Within weeks, L's symptoms began improving. Constipation resolved and she experienced no symptom flare-ups even with occasional constipation. Over a month passed without symptoms, despite reintroducing foods like coffee, dairy and gluten. By the end of the program, L went over a month completely symptom-free. She managed high-stress situations without setbacks and described her progress as "night and day" compared to where she started. Now she continues to maintain her progress with minimal supplements (probiotics, magnesium, and digestive enzymes) and has resumed a balanced diet without fear of symptom flare-ups.

"I'm doing great! And thankfully don't have any issues to report 👏"